Provide 3 specific examples of the globalization of nursing.

Provide 3 specific examples of the globalization of nursing.

The focus of this assignment is to prompt you to reflect on your learning this term. You will demonstrate your understanding of the interplay among research, theory, and practice through your critical thinking evidenced in your responses to the discussion board items. You will also investigate examples of the globalization of nursing.

Discussion Board:

Describe what the following quote means to you. “Theory without practice is empty and practice without theory is blind” (*Cross, 1981, p. 110).
Explore the Sigma website. Based on your exploration of the Sigma Theta Tau International website, provide 3 specific examples of the globalization of nursing. At least one example must include an example of an internationally written article from the most recent issue of the Journal of Nursing Scholarship. You can access this journal from the Sigma website.
Share the three most important concepts that you learned this 7 week term.
What were the two most challenging activities for you confronted in this course? What suggestions do you have related to addressing those challenges?