Propose a policy

Propose a policy. This can be an international, national, state, or local policy (anywhere from the scope of a countrys population control policy to a dry-county policy); the policy of an institution or company (such as a university ACT requirement for admittance, or a retail companys return policy or dress code); or the policy of an organization (such as a fraternity recruitment policy, or a stipulation in a neighborhood organization contract).  Your task is to argue that this policy will, on balance, be beneficial to the people enacting it by making logical predictions about its effects.

A possible start for research, you may want to find similar policies that have already run their course and show how the effect would be similar or different in the area you suggest.

Things to remember:

  • Who is your audience–Who could enact this policy?
  • MLA format with works cited page
  • Page Count: 3-4