Professionalism and Professional Values

This week, reflect on your perception of change theory, management roles and nursing leadership, communication conflict, and the nurse management role in patient care

as it has evolved over the course of your RN-BSN program at WCU. Identify specific leadership models you support, and compare and contrast communication techniques for
patient-centered care effectiveness. How does your academic work support evidence of meeting the following?

Outcome #3: Promote the image of nursing by modeling the values and articulating the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the nursing profession.
Review your past academic work, evaluate your effectiveness at meeting this program essential, and ponder the impact that this proficiency will have on your future.

Identify how you met the essential by referring to the assignment(s) specifically in your response. Additionally, reflect on and make connections between your academic
experience and real-world applications.

Showcase your academic work related to this essential and these outcomes in your ePortfolio and directly reference it in your reflection response.

Recommended: Refer to the work you completed forNURS 510 Policy, Organization, and Financing of Health Care and LDR 432 Principles of Leadership for Healthcare
Organizations,as well as other courses, to gather academic examples and evidence of having met this essential.

Your reflection should be 1–2 pages APA formatted. Reference and cite any sources you use.

Review the rubric for further details on how your assignment will be graded.