Project (Research Article Summary) Guidelines

Find a current (within the last five years) research article (a scientific paper) on a nutrition topic of your choice from one of the following sources:

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

American Journal of Nursing

Annals of Internal Medicine

Journal of Nutrition

Journal of the American Dental Association

Journal of the American Dietetic Association/Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Journal of the American Medical Association

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health


New England Journal of Medicine

Others with prior approval of the instructor.

If you want to have an alternate source considered, do not wait until the last minute to seek approval from the instructor. Your article should be a full text article (not an abstract) and at least 5 pages long. Submit your topic and source (to include journal name, volume, year, pages, etc.) through Canvas no later than Monday 3/7/16. Read the article and prepare a written summary of at least 3 double spaced typewritten pages. Summaries are due on Monday 4/11/16 and should be submitted through Canvas. Your summary should include your opinion on the content or outcomes of your article. Summaries should be written in MLA format to include the work cited (which would only be one, your article).

Do not cut and paste material from your article to your summary. Cutting and pasting will result in point deductions and may result in a 0 for this project.

Journals may be obtained in an academic library. Additionally, full text journals (e-journals) are available through the BCCC library online (see the BCCC home page and click on library). Alternatively, journals can be accessed through Links to articles may also be found by subscribing to newsletters (free) at and

There will be a 5 point penalty for changing your topic/source after it has been submitted to the instructor. There will also be a 5 point penalty for each day the submission of the topic/choice and/or summary is late. If your article submission is rejected by the instructor because it is old (more than 5 years old), or does not meet the five page criteria, or is not scholarly, or is not nutrition-related, there will be a 5 point deduction per week until an appropriate article is submitted. Your paper should be grammatically correct.

Grading will be based on the following criteria (see rubric):

Topic/source appropriate and submitted through Canvas no later than Monday 3/7/16 – up to30 points

Summary covers major points, is properly formatted, and is concise and well-written and submitted through Canvas no later than Monday 4/11/16 – up to70 points