Nursing Industry Trends

Question descriptionAPA Style In Essay Citations with APA Reference Page

Assignment: Your initial meeting with your new boss went very well and you are now working in a department that supports the company’s strategic planning for growth in the industry. Your department head has asked you to do research from a newcomer’s perspective to inform existing company marketing directions. He has asked you to write a short paper detailing the three top trends in the industry, and focus on what you think is the most important issue in these trends. He is hoping to use your research to position your department to launch a new strategic plan. However, your immediate task is to do the research, write a short, focused paper with correctly cited sources to enable further study. You have been tasked to conduct research and share your paper “shell” with an introductory paragraph with the three trends and your draft References list by the end of Week 2. You will then incorporate feedback from your professor into your final paper, which will be due at the end of the Week 3.

This is your first real task and you are excited and a little nervous about the assignment. You think you have a sense of the industry but know you need to do more research to be spot on. The ability to spot trends in your industry is an important skill. enabling you to spend energy on new growth areas, products, and services. Spaeder (2007), writing for Entrepreneur, offers ideas about how to Spot the Latest Trends.

Your assignment is to produce an essay of 1,000-1,300 words in which you discuss THREE trends in your profession. You are to provide citations for at least SIX RESOURCES to support your ideas. You will give credit for ideas in your sources in proper APA “in – text” and complete citations on the References page. You will identify three trends, discuss them briefly, and then focus on a single issue that is especially important.

Your headings will follow this general pattern:

Title (First level heading) (This will precede your introductory paragraph. Please refer to sample.)

Top Trends in the _____ Industry (Second level heading)

An important emerging issue (and what it means in context to the industry) (Second level heading)

Conclusions (First level heading)

References (On a new page, centered, not bold)