MSN capstone proposal


The purpose of the project proposal is to ensure the chosen project and practicum experience aligns with the student?s concentration, individual learning goals, and the project is of proper scope. The course instructor will review the proposal and approve the project or provide feedback to the student outlining how the project needs to be refined in order to be approved.
4 pages
Introduction ? page 1
? Describe the role you want to attain as a master?s prepared nurse in the chosen concentration Master?s degree of science of Nursing- Nurse executive. I hope to become a Director of Clinical operations for an insurance company. You could elaborate on the director position- to lead teams to decrease hospitalizations and reach organizational goal ( increase revenue by having healthier patients)
? State 3-4 specific individual student learning goals associated with the project and practicum experience Elaborate on the learning goals for a capstone?
? Describe the site where the capstone project and practicum experience will be conducted o If the practicum site is also the site of employment, provide a rationale describing how the student role is free from conflict with the employee role. JYT Health and Wellness Solution is where I would conducting my capstone project. JYT Health and wellness Solutions provides wellness programs to employers who want to decrease health care/premium cost, decrease sick days and improve productivity by having healthier employers. The office is located in Virginia, but provide services remotely (telehealth, telephonic health coaching) and onside preventative screenings /health fairs. I do work for the company as needed, however during the course of the next few months, the work I will perform will not be paid? you elaborate further on this
Capstone Project ? Page 1& 2
? Describe the problem that exists at the site that the capstone project will address; include: o what is already known about the problem at the site o the significance of the problem JYT Health and Wellness Solutions provide health coaching to employess at risk for chronic conditions, however it does not provide coaching to those who already have chronic conditions.. – elaborate here on Diabetes incidence as it really working people in the US.
? Describe the proposed project to address the problem Employees who already have a condition are referred to follow up with their physician and there isn?t a follow up . I plan to create a pilot to provide telephonic follow up to employees for the next 6 month to see improvement in healthy and increasing their ability to manage their condition. I will lead two nurses providing the services. Elaborate on this please,
? List 3-4 intended outcomes of the project based on the described about great outcomes (measurable outcomes)diabetes ? A1C, absence of co-morbidities , complications associated with Diabetes? Also decrease which best practices used by nurses doing the disease management significantly help achieve positive outcomes?Elaborate on this
? Briefly describe how achievement of the project outcomes will be determined. o Avoid evaluation strategies that require Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval i.e. pre/post-test, surveys, or chart reviews Employees participating in the pilot are aware the data will collected as means to establish a baseline and progress in their conditions. However the project really intends to identify the nursing interventions are most helpful in providing telephonic disease management to employees in Corporate America . The two nurses will provide a report of their follow up with the employee- describing which best practices/commonly Diabetes education/self-management practices ( Diabetes educator organization, American association of endocrinologist) resulted to be effective a remotely telephonic setting. These best practices can scheduling follow up calls, text reminders, checking in from employee with chronic conditions, assisting participant of the pilot schedule appointment with providers, suggestions to see nutritionist, joining a gym, using a fitbit device, pedometer.

? Discuss the role of your chosen preceptor and how he/she will support the project and facilitate achievement of the individual student learning goals .
My preceptor Wendy Halbert will review the follow ups provided by the two nurses providing care in the pilot and provide feedback on my leadership style to ensure the nurses feel supported during the pilot? elaborate on this
Interprofessional Team & Resources to Support the Capstone Project Page 3 ? 4 pages- reference page needed
? Discuss the stakeholders and/or interdisciplinary team members needed to foster project success- two nurses, I will also collaborate with the CEO as she will need to analyze the cost of pilot ? elaborate on this
? Describe the resources needed to complete the project such as human resources, Information Technology support, space, copying, equipment, supplies, etc. not sure here.. elaborate on this.. phone cellphones, pedometer, fitbit devices, computers
? Include a statement addressing potential costs and sources of funding you can discuss this along with what I listed above regarding the cost of this? the two nurses work for JYT health and solutions and will be taking care of 10 employees for this pilot
Practicum Experience Hours
? In addition to the project, describe additional role immersion activities that will be engaged in during the 120 hour practicum I will potentially participate in health screenings at a location if the opportunity comes up? elaborate on this? not sure
? Discuss how the activities support achievement of individual student learning goals ? use the information listed above to answer this

References – for the 2 articles I enclosed. I have added a few articles that maybe helpful in doing this paper.

DeVries III, G. T. (2010). Innovations in Workplace Wellness: Six New Tools to Enhance Programs and Maximize Employee Health and Productivity. Compensation & Benefits Review, 42(1), 46-51.
Arnett, D. K. (2016). Setting Out the Case for Evidence-Based Workplace Health Programs. American Journal Of Health Promotion, 30(7), 566-567.