Mistrust of the Healthcare System

1. Mistrust of the Healthcare System

Refer to:
Legal and Ethical Essentials of Health Care Administration (Pozgar, 2014)
o Chapter 15: End-of-Life Issues
o Chapter 16: AIDS

• A significant demographic of the public harbors a deeply rooted mistrust of the healthcare system. They do not trust medical providers to be open or honest with them. They fear the privacy of their medical records will not be respected, and that they will not receive the care that they need.
• As you consider this issue, what has created this mistrust?
• As an ethical leader, how would you respond to address this concern?

2. The Influence of Henrietta Lacks

Refer to:
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Skloot, 2011)
o Pages 311-337

• At the time of the book’s publication, how had the lives of Henrietta’s great- and great-great-grandchildren been affected by Skloot’s research, and by the knowledge and understanding of Henrietta’s contribution to science?

3.Obligation to Release Medical Records