Mental Health Nursing


Case Study Essay
Aim: to understand the importance of a thorough biopsychosocial assessment to reliably
identify factors that will lead to diagnosis of a mental health issue and appropriate
nursing care management.
You are to write an essay which analyses a case study in order to discuss appropriate
biopsychosocial factors and nursing management or interventions relevant to that case.
Recent and relevant literature must be used to support your discussion.
1) Select a case study provided.
2) Use recent literature to support your discussion:
2.1) Discuss biopsychosocial factors that contribute to the development of the
selected disorder.
2.2) Discuss a nursing management or interventions appropriate for your
selected case study.
2.3) Discuss ethical implications for the selected case study.
Other elements:
 Always refer to the School of Nursing & Midwifery Writing and Referencing
 Ensure that you use scholarly literature (digitised readings, research articles,
relevant Government reports and text books) that has been published within the
last 5 years.
 Provide a clear introduction and conclusion to your paper.
 You may use headings to organise your work if you wish.
Assessment Type: Case Study Essay – Assessment One
Word Count: 2,000 words
Due Date and Time: Monday September 12th at 1700
Weighting: 40%
 Unless otherwise instructed, write in the third person.
 Use academic language throughout.
 Refer to the marking guidelines when writing your assignment. This will assist
you in calculating the weightings of the sections for your assignment.
 State your word count (excluding your reference list) on the Title page and
Assignment Coversheet.
Your written assignment must be submitted as:
As an electronic file to the campus-specific “final” Turnitin portal available from
the 2976NRS Learning@Griffith site.
You must submit this assignment as instructed to be eligible for a passing grade in this
Marking Criteria Possible
– Assignment has as an opening paragraph that contextualises the assignment.
– Clearly identifies the aim of the assignment /5
– Clearly identifies and discusses biopsychosocial factors influencing the development of
the disorder in the selected case study.
– Clearly identifies and discusses nursing management or interventions appropriate for
the selected case study.
– Clearly discusses ethical implications appropriate for the selected case study
– Has a concluding paragraph that summarises the overall argument in the assignment.
– Does not introduce any new information or references in the conclusion.
– Identifies, analyses and uses good quality evidence to support the outlined relevant
points. Uses at least 10 sources from the scholarly literature published in the last 5
– Referencing as per APA Style 6th Edition
– Separate page for reference list headed “References”
– Conforms to the Assignment Presentation Formatting Guidelines.
 Correct word count (2,000 words). Uses academic language throughout.
 Essay is well presented, with correct spelling, grammar, and wellconstructed
sentence and paragraph structure.
Case 1: First episode psychosis
John is an 18-year-old student. He lives with his mother Anne, who is 50 years old, and
his stepfather Greg, who is 53 years old. Anne was remarried 9 years ago. John is the
youngest of three children and he is the only child to still live in the family home with his
John is now in Grade 12. He liked to socialise with friends and was fun-loving. In the
past seven months he started to have changes in behaviours and appearance. John was
disruptive and started to talk and laugh inappropriately in class. He also became isolated
and did not want to join in any activities at school. He used to receive good grades but
since the beginning of the year he started to lose his concentration and attention. His
school performance became poor and he was frequently tardy. John had finally stopped
going to school over the last two months. John has a history of drug abuse. He started
to use marijuana when he was in Grade 9 because the group of friends he was hanging
out with also used drugs. John uses amphetamines on a regular basis. He occasionally
drinks alcohol and smokes cigarettes.
John was brought to a mental health unit by his parents after he had been noted
wandering around the house and talking to himself for over a week. This is his first
admission. On admission, John appears suspicious and has unkempt hygiene. He stated
he heard voices from a group of two men and a woman. The voices kept telling him that
he was “no good” and “everybody hated” him. Sometimes they told him to kill himself
and sometimes to kill older people. John also believes that he has special powers and he
is a spy working for the government. John is argumentative and sometimes becomes
aggressive. He has a history of aggression and violence.
John’s mother told the admitting nurse that John’s father has schizophrenia and he was
abusive to her and the children. They divorced when John was 8 years old. After the
divorce, John’s family relocated to different cities. John also had to move to different
schools, so he did not have any close friends.
Case 2: Eating disorder
Charlie is a 19-year-old girl. She is a second year university student. Charlie shares a
flat with two other students who have always been very supportive of her. Jo, one of
Charlie’s flatmates, has contacted Charlie’s parents and expressed concern over Charlie’s
appearance and behaviours. Charlie used to go out and have dinner together with her
flatmates. She started to isolate herself about four months ago. She spends much of her
time alone in her room. Charlie eats very little throughout the day and takes laxatives on
a daily basis. After eating, Charlie immediately goes to the toilet and spends at least half
an hour in the bathroom. Charlie has lost 10 kilograms in the last three months and her
menstrual periods have ceased. Charlie is pale and thin. Her hair is dry and brittle.
Though it is summer, she is wearing several layers of clothing.
Charlie is the youngest daughter of Pam, who is a registered nurse, and Jack, who is a
dentist. Both parents work full time and lead busy lives. Charlie always sets high
standards for herself. She feels that she needs to be as perfect as her parents. She
describes her relationship with her parents as overprotective and controlling. Charlie has
a brother who is working in a well-paid company.
Charlie was taken to see the family doctor who has referred her to the Eating Disorders
Unit in Brisbane. Charlie’s family reports that Charlie was a high achiever at school. The
nurse interviews Charlie although she is pleasant the nurse gains little information as
Charlie is guarded and reluctant to talk about her eating. Charlie, however, says she is
“too fat” and believes that she needs to lose more weight to be more attractive. Charlie
feels worthless. She believes she is not as smart as her brother and this has made her
parents do not care much about her. Charlie sometimes has self-harm urges. She feels
that it is the only time she can control herself.
Charlie is admitted to the unit and is prescribed multivitamins, antidepressants, and
anxiolytic medication.
Case 3: Depression
Amy is a 75-year old woman. She has been diagnosed as having depression for ten years.
She started to feel depressed after she was diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension.
She felt more depressed after the loss of her husband three years ago. She was hardly
eating anything and wasn’t sleep. She felt like she had no one to talk to. After the death
of her husband, Amy moved to a retirement village. While living at the retirement
village, Amy manages her medications by herself. Sometimes she forgets to take her
Amy has two daughters. They live in another city, about one hour drive from her home.
They visit her almost every month. Amy is a quiet but caring person. She likes to keep
things to herself. Amy has similar characters to her mother who also had depression and
passed away fifteen years ago.
Amy was brought to a mental health hospital by Sue, one of Amy’s daughters, after the
retirement village manager contacted her. This is her fourth admission to the hospital.
Over a period of two weeks, Amy has experienced a loss of interest in her activities and
sleep disturbance. Amy was restless at night and she found it hard to fall asleep. Over
the past two weeks, Amy has felt increasingly tired and fatigued, resulting in her not
wanting to get out of bed. Amy has lost her appetite. She has lost six kilograms in the
past two months. Amy expresses feelings of worthlessness, helplessness, and
hopelessness. She feels she is a burden for her daughters. Amy reported low mood and
stated “If I were gone, things would be easier for my daughters”.
The doctor prescribes Amy another group of antidepressants. While she is in an inpatient
unit, she attends cognitive behavioural therapy as well as art and craft group activities.