Mental health and illness Assessment task 2

Nurses play an important role in delivering quality and safe patient care as members of the multidisciplinary team in the mental health setting. Evaluate the intervention Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT) and explain the nurse’s role in promoting functional capacity and recovery for the person with mental illness.


The purpose of this assessment task is to extend your knowledge and understanding of interventions used in mental health settings, and the nurse’s role in caring for people with mental illness. This assessment task builds on the knowledge and skills attained in assessment task 1.

Assignment question:
Nurses play an important role in delivering quality and safe patient care as members of the multidisciplinary team in the mental health setting. Evaluate the intervention Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT) and explain the nurse’s role in promoting functional capacity and recovery for the person with mental illness.

Student instructions for assessment task:

In this written assessment task, you will need to introduce and define the intervention, describe how it is used in mental health care and the indications for its use (eg. the types of conditions/mental health related problems). The paper should include some critical analysis of the intervention that discusses its strengths and limitations, or its efficiently/lack of efficacy as an intervention, which will involve reviewing some of the evidence on the topic (peer reviewed research articles). The nurse’s role in the intervention should also be explored in some depth.
The following resources will help you in responding to this assessment task:
1. Seminar content including CloudDeakin resources on HNN222 Unit site
2. Contemporary peer reviewed journal articles.
3. Prescribed and recommended textbook/s
Front page: to include student name and number, essay title and word count.
Spacing: double spacing, with the exception of the reference list page which is to be single spaced
Font and size: 12 point Arial or Calibri
Adhere to word limit requirements (within 10%). The word count does not include headings, references page, reference citations and direct quotes. A reference list should be provided and be on a separate page headed ‘References’ at the end of the essay
Appendices (if applicable) are attached after the reference list page
Table of contents: Do not include a table of contents unless instructed to do so Headings only to be used to be used in essays of >3,000 words
Provide page numbers on each page not including title page
Student number should be included in the header
Your assignment should be converted to a PDF document before submission. Please check the document before submitting to the dropbox to ensure the formatting has not changed. Software for converting word documents to PDF is available to download from the Deakin software catalogue at no cost.
Must contain a purposeful introduction that outlines what will be discussed in the assignment.
The body of the essay will constitute about 80% of the word limit and provide key arguments supported by literature. The body of the essay is normally organised in paragraphs of approximately 100-150 words with each paragraph focused on explanation of one idea. There should be a logical progression of ideas as demonstrated by logically linked arguments/points made in each paragraph. Each paragraph should commence with a topic sentence and end with a link to the next paragraph.
Please note the assessment task asks you to ‘evaluate’ an intervention. The term evaluate means ‘to judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of’. In keeping with this definition of evaluate, this assessment task requires you to apply critical analysis to the topic/intervention. Critical analysis extends on just describing the intervention. Using a critical approach, arguments are presented that examine the topic from different perspectives, for example strengths and weaknesses, or efficacy /lack of efficacy of the intervention. Arguments and ideas presented in the essay must be supported by evidence (peer-reviewed journal articles).
Communicate using academic writing:
Adhere to conventions of written English (word choice, professional language, grammar, use of appropriate sentence structure, punctuation and spelling)
Use of direct quotations: Unless really necessary, most essays do not require the use of direct quotes, but rather the re-expression of other’s arguments into your own words. If a direct quotation is used, the student must explain how it adds to the discussion.
Referencing style
Acknowledge sources and adhere to referencing conventions as per Harvard Style

I will do front cover page separately so please don’t worry about that, thanks

Writing an argumentative essay
Most academic essays will require you to present an argument through reasoning and the use of evidence. In the process of planning and drafting your essay, you will need to respond to the assigned question by thinking, reading and writing your way to a considered position/stance, or thesis statement. The thesis statement is expressed as one or two sentences in the introductory paragraph of your essay, and supported in the body of the essay by a series of topic sentences, one in each paragraph. Each topic sentence is in turn supported by evidence and examples from your readings and research, reflection, observation and analysis.
Your essay should connect your thesis/focus statement and the major points you make to support it (your topic sentences). It should also connect the topic sentences with the evidence and examples you use to develop and illustrate them. Failing to provide an adequate, workable thesis/focus statement or failing to support it or ‘stick to it’ are two of the more common mistakes made by undergraduate essay writers.
Producing the essay
Formulating a coherent and logical argument takes time and thought. To produce an essay you will need to write a number of drafts – more than two. Professional writers understand the necessity of drafting. Your first draft is unlikely to persuade your reader as to the logic of your argument. This is because you are still writing to work out what you think about a subject. Give yourself plenty of time to plan, draft, redraft, revise and edit your work.
Between your first thoughts on a topic and the finished essay is a lengthy and interesting process of:
• conducting research, analysing, engaging with, synthesising and arranging information; • writing and refining your thesis statement and topic sentences;
• selecting examples and illustrations;
• playing with paragraph order; and
• using transitions to make the relationship between ideas clear.
Editing and proofreading at the sentence level comes later. The more complete and thorough this process is, the better the end product – your final version – will be.
The writing process differs between individuals and you will discover more about your own process the more you write.

Essay structure
Your essay will need the following:
An introduction which:
• sets out the context/background of your argument; • introduces the content of the essay;
• introduces the theoretical perspectives you will be using;
• may define key terms (alternatively you can do the work of definition in the second paragraph;
• sets out your thesis statement/line of argument/central contention; and • explains how the essay will be organised (order of points).
A body containing a number of paragraphs each of which will:
• present a topic sentence or central idea supporting your thesis statement/line of argument/central contention;
• contain developing sentences which extend on or amplify the topic sentence;
• give evidence/examples/references which support/relate to your topic sentence; and • provide a concluding/linking sentence;
A conclusion which:
• restates your thesis statement/line of argument/central contention;
• summarises the points and evidence you provided to support your thesis; and • may suggest areas for further research/investigation.
There are a number of academic stylistic conventions you should follow when writing: • Use standard English avoiding American spellings.
• Write in the third person unless otherwise directed.
• Avoid slang terms, clichés and colloquial expressions.
• Avoid gender bias and sexist language.
• Avoid emotive language.
• Be direct – use the active rather than the passive voice. • Be concise.