late adulthood

Elizabeth Gaudino-Goering, Ph.D., Instructor of Psychology Ages and Stages Paper Final Submission Due during discussion of the stage of development you choose: Infancy: Feb 13-Feb 24 Early Childhood: Feb 27-March 16 Middle Childhood: March 19-March 29 Adolescence: April 9-April 13 Early Adulthood: April 16-April 20 Middle Adulthood: April 23-April 27 Late Adulthood: April 26-May 11 5 page paper: This paper will help you pull together everything you know about physical, cognitive, social and emotional development in regard to one person. You must choose one person to study. This person can be your own child, the child of a friend or family member, a friend, a sibling, a parent or other older relative. Your assignment is to observe the subject of your paper closely and as objectively as possible. Follow the instructions below for each aspect of development and report on your findings. You will be graded on BOTH the written paper AND your ability to discuss your findings at appropriate times throughout our class discussions of the stage you choose. How to choose a subject for your paper: Consider several things-? Why are you taking this class? o Nursing & Allied health students: You may want to focus on infancy, early childhood, or late adulthood. Lifespan is included in your curriculum because your discipline requires familiarity with the social, emotional, and cognitive well-being of the people you will most frequently be helping. You will get the most out of this class by focusing your efforts accordingly. o Other students: Choose a developmental stage that most interests you or would be useful for the work you hope to do. ? Who do you live with? It would be easiest to focus on a person who you have known all or most of their lives or one who you can spend some time with in the coming weeks.
Elizabeth Gaudino-Goering, Ph.D., Instructor of Psychology ? Look at the due dates above.