Is your definition of health promotion and risk reduction congruent with the health promotion philosophy

Is your definition of health promotion and risk reduction congruent with the health promotion philosophy


***2 PARAGRAPHS- SINGLE SPACED- REFERENCES LISTED AT BOTTOM. REFERENCES SHOULD BE SCHOLARLY AND LESS THAN 5 YEARS OLD. APA CITATIONS PLEASE. NO TITLE PAGE OR HEADINGS.*** PARAGRAPH 1: Develop your own definition of health promotion and risk reduction that intersects your beliefs about human beings, human health, the environment, and the nature of nursing practice and care. Based on your personal beliefs and on the literature, construct your own concise definition (100 words, maximum) of health promotion to include: -Goal of health promotion -The nature of action and activities involved in promoting health and reducing risk -The agents or actors involved in health promotion -The relationship of health promotion to the concepts of disease, illness, wellness, disease prevention and risk reduction PARAGRAPH 2: Is your definition of health promotion and risk reduction congruent with the health promotion philosophy of your organization or practice? Why or why not? ***(Please base this paragraph from a hospice nurse’s perspective which is almost always promoting health and reducing risk, as we work from a holistic perspective to not heal but provide best quality of life to promote that of the mind, body and spirit.) Most hospice companies would not survive without alignment of a healthy congruence of that of a solid perspective/approach.**