Is the nursing shortage a fact or a myth?

Is the nursing shortage a fact or a myth?

Is the nursing shortage a fact or a myth? Background: voices from both sides Go to links to read articles to complete assignment. 1. “A shortage of nurses is creating chronic healthcare staffing issues across the U.S., and an increase in hospitalized preventable deaths.” – NBC News Diana Gongalez reports. Link: http://www.nbcnews.comM/21134540/vp/24878034
2. “Nearly a quarter-million nurses entered the work force in 2007-08, an 18% surge that was the largest two-year increase in at least three decades.” Buerhaus et al (2009),
your role is: Healthcare Providers (such as hospitals and clinics). In the perspective of a ” Healthcare Providers (such as hospitals and clinics)’, answer the following questions: 1.1s the nursing shortage a fact or a myth? Why? How would you measure nursing shortage? 2.Do you think the mandatory nurse-to-patient ratio is a good idea? 3.What would be the possible consequences?