Is gluten ruining our bodies?

Please refer to the added files I sent with the rubric on it! Also please use reliable websites like mayo clinic and other doctors opinions
1. Your topic – why are people who dont have celiac going gluten free?
2. Your research question- Why are some people, including celebrities choosing to not eat gluten even if they are not allergic to it? Is gluten ruining our bodies?
3. Your tentative thesis (which should be stated as a claim of fact, value, or policy)- Even here in this small community, you see a lot of different gluten free options, along with normal gluten options. Which way is the best way?
4. Your research plan or description of evidence (in other words, tell me what kinds of sources or evidence you think youll have to find in order to prove your claim)- I havent really had the chance to really dig deep for this research paper. But I am going to start reading different articles and factual based information from the Mayo Clinic website, plus also researching other doctors opinions on the matter.
Essay 4: Research Project
Your fourth essay assignment is to write a researched, documented essay of approximately 7-8 pages.
I think of this as a research “project” rather than a research “paper” because the process is just as important as the finished product. The goal is to read widely and critically and to pursue an answer to a question that interest you; the finished essay is what demonstrates you can do that. I will provide instructions that are relatively but not microscopically detailed; I will not consider it a bad outcome if you have to figure out a few things on your own or ask a few questions—of me or of a librarian—along the way.
Part 1: Getting Started
Step 1: Choose a Topic
Id like you to pick a topic thats broadly related to something weve talked about in class.
So think back across the essays weve read. Are you interested in bioethics (“The Unnatural Ashley Treatment,” “Supersize Your Child?” “An Unjust Sacrifice”), or food issues (Food Inc., “Consider the Lobster,” Cowspiracy), or something else weve read (“The Gay Option,” “Your Toxic Beauty Regime,” “Conscientious Objection in Medicine”)?
On the other hand, if theres another subject youre dying to explore, you can certainly ask me about it. (Im inclined to say yes to something strange that youre passionate about; Im inclined to say no to overused topics like abortion, marijuana, and gun control.)
In any case, your first step is to choose a broad topic that interests you.
Step 2: Define a Research Question
Obviously you cant say everything there is to say about your general topic in a single paper. So the next step is to narrow it down to a research question.
Your research question identifies specifically what you want to discover about your topic. Heres an example:
Topic: The anti-vaccine movement in the United States.
Research Question: Why are some people, including celebrities, choosing not to vaccinate
their kids against common illnesses like measles, mumps, and whooping cough?
Dont overthink things at this point. At first, just try to put into words what you find interesting about the topic, or something youre curious about. After you have a preliminary research question, you should spend some time sharpening it into a topic that you can answer in a college-length paper. Heres an example:
Sharpened Research Question: Is the anti-vaccine movement a real national threat, or is it
primarily a problem for people who live in places with dense population and many
unvaccinated people?
Or, heres another example:
Topic: Genetic enhancement in humans.
Research Question: Are the services provided by websites like and safe and reliable for consumers to use?
Sharpened Research Question: If consumers learn things about their individual risk for
diseases like cancer from a company like 23andme, do their insurance companies legitimately
have a right to know this information—and potentially deny them coverage or charge them
higher premiums?