Indiana University School of Nursing

The final paper due at the end of the semester is worth 40% of your grade.

The purpose of the course paper is for you to analyze the linkages among theory and practice by investigating a theory used in nursing research and discussing how it can be used to inform practice for the clinical problem you identified.

We will begin to identify clinical problems of interest in Week 2 and refinement of the problem will continue over several weeks as you become more immersed in course readings. Identify a theory or conceptual framework that you believe will be helpful in understanding or addressing this problem. It may be one of the middle range theories from Peterson and Bredow or it may be a theory from another discipline. Read the theory well (a few times) and seek out additional references on theory (by the author of the theory) to help you understand the theory. Conduct a literature review using relevant scientific databases (CINAHL, OVID etc.) to see how this theory has been used and developed.

The following are criteria and allocation of points for the final paper.

Points Criteria
30 Introduction:

Includes overall presentation of the problem,

· Significance of the problem (support with data, e.g. incidence or prevalence of the problem, impact, etc);

· Include why this is a significant problem or concern for nurses. (Should have references to substantiate problem e.g. IOM, CDC, Healthy People 2020, American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, etc).

· Identify the Purpose of the Paper: Provide overview of how the selected theory may support research and practice to address the problem.

· This should adequately provide why you selected this theory (rationale)
70 Body of the Paper:

· Define the main concepts, relationships, statements of theory

· Describe the main areas that the theory has been used to advance knowledge In answering this you will need to look to the Medical Library for published studies that use the theory:

· Describe the electronic databases you used, the search terms, years, number of articles identified, and how made decisions about which articles to include in your paper.

· How has it been used? What types of research studies, with what populations has used the theory; you will need to cite these references. ( NOTE: Minimum of 5 articles)

· Describe application of the theory to your clinical problem. How could the theory be used to address the problem?

· Identify specific research questions for research as a result of this theory being applied to the clinical problem – actually pose 1 question you would like to answer.

· Using Peterson and Bredow’s theory critique criteria; write a brief critique (see examples in Peterson and Bredow’s book in Appendix A)
40 Summary and conclusion:

· Concisely summarize key points.

· Describe what was learned about the theory-research-practice cycle and how this impacts your personal practice (do not use first person “I”)
10 Writing Standards:

· Correct format:10-15 pages excluding references, tables or figures;

· Grammatically correct (Use writing center).

· Double spaced with 1 inch margins using 12 point New Roman Font

· Do not use first person (No “I statements”)

· APA style, references cited correctly and please make sure minimum of 5 references are cited to support your work.
Total points



Superior Paper (Grade = A): Paper addresses all aspects of the assignment. Although it may have occasional minor grammatical or technological faults, it is well organized and presented; detailed; and generally well expressed and written. The paper displays a high level of technical competence, critical thinking and judgment.

Well-developed Paper (Grade = B: It is not as strong as a superior paper in some aspects. It may not address all aspects of the assignment as completely or be as well integrated. It may lack thorough organization and presentation of details, or grammar and syntax may be a problem. Critical thinking and judgment may not be as strong. In general, the presentation is competently organized and presented.

Less Well-Developed Paper (Grade =C): Displays one or two of the following weaknesses:

– Portions of assignment not addressed

– Details omitted

– Superficial development

– Poor organization

– Sloppy presentation

– Limited integration

– More than a few grammar and/or syntax problems

– Technical errors

Poorly Developed Paper (Grade = D or F): Displays serious problems in development or presentation including three or more of the above weaknesses.