In what ways can AIDS and Ebola both be described as ‘social diseases?

Write a 1,500 word research essay answering one of the questions listed on the myCourses page. The research essay must be logically structured with an introduction, a body and a conclusion. The introduction places the argument in context, gives a clear order of ideas and ends in a clear thesis statement. Your essay must be an innovative and original response to the question and include your own research into the topic. Supporting sources used must be both primary (historical) and secondary (critical) material. You can use the additional reading listed at the end of this syllabus to help you identify useful secondary sources. The body of the essay must be organised into paragraphs, which have topic sentences corresponding to the order of ideas given in the introduction. The conclusion is consistent with the thesis statement and contains no new material. Appropriate use is made of cohesive devices and the essay is easy to

Suggested Titles: Please pick one title/question from the list below and write 1,500 words in response

1) What is a ‘social history of medicine and why is it preferable to alternative histories ofmedicine? Use examples from the course to support your answer.

2) What can Joseph Merricks life story tell us about the battle over the dissemination ofmedical knowledge during the late nineteenth century?

3) How did an increased interest in surgical tuition help turn the dead body into acommodity during the late eighteenth century?

4) Has the relationship between orthodox and unorthodox medicine changed in recentyears, or is there evidence to claim that a historical relationship remains?

5) Discuss the ways in which women helped improve surgical treatments in their roles asboth patients and practitioners.

6) In what ways can AIDS and Ebola both be described as ‘social diseases?

7) Using examples from the course and popular culture explain the relationship betweendrug use and the creative imagination.

8) Why did the asylum become the most popular way to treat mental illness during thenineteenth century?

9) How has war and conflict helped advance the development of plastic surgery?

Grading Criteria (what constitutes a good assignment?):

In assessing the essay Katherine will be looking for:

a) Incorporation of appropriate and accurate historical information
b) Inclusion and interpretation of supporting sources
c) A clear argument and perfect presentation
d) Use of historical information learned during class discussions and field trips
e) Innovative and original response to the question
f) Adherence to the word count
Evaluation Criteria

The essay is structured around a clear thesis statement, which is fully supported throughout the essay. The essay gives full consideration to historical context and contains no irrelevant material.

The essay is logically structured with an introduction, a body and a conclusion. The introduction places the argument in context, gives a clear order of ideas and ends in a clear thesis statement. The body of the essay is organised into paragraphs, which have topic sentences corresponding to the order of ideas given in the introduction. The conclusion is consistent with the thesis statement and contains no new material. Appropriate use is made of cohesive devices and the essay is easy to read.

The essay makes use of an appropriate range of supporting sources. Sources are paraphrased and selected quotations integrated into the essay where possible.

The essay is presented according to the Hult guidelines and shows a high level of grammatical accuracy and appropriate use of scientific vocabulary.