Identify the role of the registered professional nurse in palliative and hospice delivery systems.

Identify the role of the registered professional nurse in palliative and hospice delivery systems.

Paper Information

M7D1: End of Life Care
Note: You cannot post to this discussion until week 7.
PK, a competent, middle-aged woman diagnosed with a terminal illness feels that she cannot go on. The patient, receiving hospice care lives in her home with her spouse and one adult child. For the last couple of weeks, she has been talking to the community based hospice RN about the demands she is putting on her family, her physical suffering, and the mental stress on all of them. Now PK indicates she is considering ending it all. She asks the RN to help hasten her death. Consider the HPNA Position Statements to assist with this assignment.
Initial Discussion Post:
Consider the legal and ethical implications of this situation, a potential request for euthanasia and/or assisted suicide by:
1. Identifying the RN’s legal responsibilities in such a situation.
2. Identifying how the RN can best interact with this patient and meet their legal responsibilities.
3. Identifying whom the RN would discuss this with, to develop a team intervention plan.
Responses to Peers:
Consider and discuss the impact of state laws r/t physician-assisted death/physician-assisted suicide could play in this case.
Consider and discuss your specific state laws and discuss how the RN will effectively act in such situation with your peers.
Your discussion postings must conform to the AD Nursing Discussion Posting Requirements [PDF, File Size 436 KB]; review the requirements prior to submitting your discussion posts. The requirements are also noted under the Course Announcements.
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End of Life Care
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This activity relates to the following Module Outcome(s) (MO):
MO3: Apply dimensions of legal and ethical principles related to the care of patients at the end of life.
MO5: Identify the role of the registered professional nurse in palliative and hospice delivery systems.
MO6: Apply the nursing process to the patients’ end of life care and symptom management.
This activity relates to the following Course Outcome(s) (CO) as related to the content covered in this module: