Identify the regulatory and accrediting bodies that would be involved with credentialing the new model of care.

Discuss how this new model will be
a.Initially financed.
b.How it will maintain financial sustainability. Be sure to include any payer sources, private/ public financing, and/or grant funding..
.3.Access and Utilization 10%
a.Discuss the accessibility (ability to obtain effective personal health services in a timely manner) and utilization (extent to which health services are used) of the new model. .
b.Include what measures you would use to evaluate how effectively this new model is accessed and utilized by the population it serves..
.4.Regulatory and Accrediting Bodies 10%
a.Identify the regulatory and accrediting bodies that would be involved with credentialing the new model of care..
b.Explain how quality and performance standards are evaluated and met..
.5.Role of Nurse and Nursing Sensitive Outcomes 20%
Analyze the role of the masters prepared nurse in this new model. Be sure to include:
a.Scope and practice considerations.
b.Reporting mechanisms.
c.Degree of autonomy.
d.How the role will impact/influence nursing sensitive outcomes or other quality measures..
.6.Integration of Evidence and Theory 10%
a.Integrate credible, relevant sources to support ideas appropriate for the assignment..
b.Consistently use information in ways that are true to original context. Always distinguish between own ideas or common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution..
c.Scholarly articles integrated within the paper meet the following standards:
?Provide the required number of references (minimum of 10).
?Most nursing-specific or nursing-related.
?Provide the required number of references from a discipline outside nursing (minimum of 3)..
?Published within 5 years OR published beyond 5 years if seminal source or gap in the literature.
..7.Organization, writing style, grammar, usage, mechanics, formatting, and length. 10%
Follow APA Guidelines for title page, abstract, headings and subheadings, citations, and references.
The presentation and style of the paper are consistent with scholarly work and reflect use of APA format (6th ed.) Page Limit: 11-15 pages.
?Use clear structure as outlined in the assignment with all components present, including brief and succinct abstract, introduction, and conclusion..
?Use straightforward, clear, concise, nearly error-free language that conveys meaning to readers..
?Conform to APA formatting standards, with only minor deviations..