Identify a current healthcare issue or policy that is important to them

Identify a current healthcare issue or policy that is important to them

What is needed is staffing ratios built around the patient and their needs. right now staffing ratios are set per number of residents in a care facility but often these long term care resident require more time based on behaviors and agitation levels. In adequete levels of certified nursing assistants means that 3- 4 cnas will be expected to give care upon waking to 40 adults some of which take extra time nessesatated by temperment. CNAs are quitting the field because of consistant short staffing for lpns. Please take into account that many of the baby boomers are headed into thes long term care facilities wouldnt it be wonderful if they got the care they deserve instead of being parked in a place where they can wait to be changed or taken to the bathroom for upwards of an hour. Health policy and advocacy involves decisions, plans and actions that are taken to achieve specific healthcare goals. Students will identify a current healthcare issue or policy that is important to them and write a letter to an elected official addressing it. Students must address at least one of the following in the letter to its elected official:
Explain how the issue affects them and/or a group of individuals
Express support for a proposed law, policy, or course of action
Oppose a proposed law, policy, or course of action
Demonstrate awareness of an issue and interest in its outcome

This assignment should be written in letter format (one page), Times New Roman font, size 12, with APA style and formatting and at least two references. The references can be from the assigned text book and/or other reputable sources. Students must submit all papers through Blackboard before 6:00pm on the dates designated.