How would you work to improve the health of people with disabilities?


  1. Some people in the disability community disagree with the wording of the WHO’s definition of health as a “state of complete physical, mental, and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.” Is it possible to be disabled and healthy? Why? Provide an example to support your conclusion.
  2. If you have worked or plan to work in the health care system, based on the DRDEF Healthcare Access Videos (watch at least 3 Firsthand Account videos), the disability health infographic, and reading “Deafness isn’t a “Threat” to Health. Ableism Is,” how would you work to improve the health of people with disabilities?
  3. Post one new fact you learned from the textbook with a quote.


Ch 15 (Nat disasters and complex humanitarian emergencies) P70 (LGBT policy brief)

Articles: (see attached)

Immigration in USA

R: The Forgotten: Disabled and Detained at the Border

R: Disabled upon Arrival: “Ellis Island and the inventions of race and disability.”

Immigration Abroad

R: Disabled Refugees ‘Overlooked’ in Greece

R: Fleeing Syria in a Wheelchair

R: Beyond Mere Survival: Rights to Education, Employment and Community Participation

R: Barriers to Healthcare Access Among Refugees with Disabilities and Chronic Health Conditions Resettled in the US Midwest

R: Australia tries to block disabled people from coming here


W: Greece: Refugees with Disabilities Overlooked, Underserved (03:13)

W: Disabled Refugees Welcome (04:01)

W: Deaf Refugees, Germany (3:00)

W: Deaf Refugees in the US (2:42)