How would a nursing leader select and prepare a direct care nurse for a leadership role?

How would a nursing leader select and prepare a direct care nurse for a leadership role?

Reflect on your first opportunity to observe a nursing leader.
• What are the traits and behaviors you found most appealing?
• Were there any observations you committed to memory as exceptional?
• What areas could have been improved through leadership training and mentorship?
• How did these observations shape your future plans for nursing leadership and what will you mirror or avoid as you develop your leadership style?

2-2: Nursing Leadership Development
• How would a nursing leader select and prepare a direct care nurse for a leadership role?
• What competencies are critical for success in this transition?

Discussion 2-3: Innovation, Creativity, and Risk-Taking

• Review the assigned Hughes article (Hughes, F. (2006). Nurses at the forefront of innovation. International Nursing Reviews, 53, 94-101.).
• According to Hughes (2006, p. 95), “Leadership is a critical factor in fostering innovation.” ATTACHED IN SEPARATE FILE
• Please discuss the rationale behind Hughes’ premise.
• Discuss the role of the nurse leader in fostering innovation, creativity and risk-taking.

Hughes, F. (2006). Nurses at the forefront of innovation. International Nursing Reviews, 53, 94-101.

2-4: Malcolm Baldrige and Magnet Recognition

• Compare and contrast the organizational impact of the Malcolm Baldrige Award and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Magnet® Recognition Award.