How to introduce stewardship themes/material to different audiences in the congregation?

Describe the congregations vision, leadership and financial stability
• Plan for the congregations stewardship ministry for the next three years, including:
o Biblical themes that speak to this context (how would these be introduced and taught)
o Your attitudes and values as a leader in the congregations stewardship ministry
o How to introduce stewardship themes/material to different audiences in the congregation?
o Who would you partner with to implement this plan? How would you form these partnerships?
o What resources would you draw upon?
o A brief timeline for implementation of the plan

Web Resources:


Como Park Lutheran Church has a website that you would find helpful information. Their newsletter which is called Evangelist also have information. If you type in Stewardship, you will get information.
There is a link on this page that will take you to their financial trend report on the ELCAs website.