How should a health care provider deliver bad news?

read the book and answer the questions
The Sickness. By Alberto Barrera Tyszka. New York: Tin House, 2006. Pp. 188. $14.95.
1. Discuss the principle of veracity in health care.
2. How should a health care provider deliver bad news?
3. To whom would you recommend this book? Why?
• Analyses must be critical, creative, and courteous. Personal polemics should be avoided, and reviews are not the place to promote one’s own favorite views. Avoid pejorative terminology and potentially libelous language.
• Use gender-inclusive language such as “person” (instead of “man”); “humankind” or “humanity (instead of “mankind” or “man”); or plural pronouns (“they” rather than “he”) or elimination of pronouns, etc.
• Your writing is to be in Standard English.
• Do not use contractions. Do not end a sentence with a preposition. Do not use split infinitives. Do not use “a lot” in your paper.
• Type on double space