How much time did you feel you needed to implement the health promotion change?

How much time did you feel you needed to implement the health promotion change?

Health promotion is a “strategy aimed at informing, influencing and assisting both individuals and
organizations so that they will accept more responsibility and be more active in matters affecting mental
and physical health” (Lalonde, 1974, p. 66). Kozier (2018) identifies that health promotion is a process.
Nurses can enable and empower patients in the process of health promotion. The goal is for the patient to
have more control over their health and wellbeing.
This assignment requires the student to identify and self-reflect on their own health practices and the
behaviour or practice they would like to change in order to promote a healthier and resilient lifestyle. This
paper will focus on a health promotion change you want to make now. You will discuss the assessment,
analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation related to the identified health promotion change using
the Health Promotion Plan Template found under Resources, Rubrics and Templates at the back of the
Course pack.
NOTE: The goal of this assignment is for each student to assess and reflect on the many facets of change
and creating and following through with a health promotion plan. The student will not be evaluated on
whether they successfully met their goals.
• This is an individual assignment (review Georgian College Policies & Procedures “7.2.5. Protection of
work” and “7.2.7. Taking credit for another’s work”).
• Minimum evidences (resources used to support opinion) which must be included:
o TWO journal articles (peer reviewed, published within 5 to 7 years, English language, and in a
scholarly journal) and
o ONE textbook and
o ONE official website OR resource available in Ontario/Canada
• This paper must be computer generated, and typed
• This paper must have cover page and reference page
• The paper should be two to three pages in length (excluding cover page and reference page)
• Submit assignment to Turn It In – if not submitted to Turn It In-will receive a grade of 0.
ASSIGNMENT #2 will be graded following the Practical Nursing Program GRADING STANDARDS FOR
• Read “The nursing process and health promotion” (Kozier et al., 2018, pp.131-136) and identify what
activities occur in each stage of the nursing process: assess, analyse/diagnose, plan, implement,
• Read “The Transtheoretical Model: Stages of Health Behaviour Change” (Kozier et al., 2018, pp.128-
130) and identify each stage and how it will relate to your identified health promotion change.
• Read “Pender’s Health Promotion Model” (Kozier et al., 2018, pp.126-128) and identify how you could
utilize this to self-assess.
Health Promotion Plan
ADPIE (Assess, Diagnose, Plan, Implement, Evaluate)
• (ASSESS) Complete the self-assessment quiz on the Canadian Mental Health Association website –
Mental Health Meter (
• Identify areas for development.
• (ANALYSE) Analyse the self-assessment data you have collected in Step #1. Look for patterns and
connections. What health promotion change would you like to make and why?
• (PLAN) Identify meaningful but realistic goals you want to achieve related to your identified health
promotion activity. This might have been a series of smaller goals, which could be part of a larger longterm goal, or it could be one long-term goal you hope to achieve.
• (PLAN) Create a Health Promotion Plan (template provided at the end of the course pack)
describing your strengths, major risk factors or potential barriers, and the desired behavioural and
health outcomes. Identify your health goals, behaviours, stage of change and interventions for change
(Refer to Kozier et al., 2018, p.133). Locate information related to your goal in your Kozier textbook,
scholarly articles and informal (non-scholarly) sources e.g. Health Canada or other recognized
• (IMPLEMENT) Identify a time frame for implementation of your goals (Refer to Kozier et al., 2018,
pp.134-135). How much time did you feel you needed to implement the health promotion change?
What was your rationale for this time?
• (IMPLEMENT) Identify supports (minimum of 2 supports) and ways of facilitating support might be
helpful to you during this change process (Refer to Kozier et al., 2018, pp.134-135).
• (EVALUATE) Reflect on your progress at the end of the identified period. Utilizing your health
promotion assessment and “The Transtheoretical Model: Stages of Health Behaviour Change” (Kozier
et al., 2018, pp.128-130) identify what stage you reached.
• At the end of your evaluation, make sure all of your ADPIE is documented on the health promotion
Student Name:
Criteria Details Marks
ASSESS Evidence of completion of the self-assessment quiz on the Canadian
Mental Health Association website – Mental Health Meter
Areas for development identified.
ANALYSE/DIAGNOSE Self-assessment data analysed critically. Patterns and connections
identified. Health promotion change identified and rationale given for
PLAN Meaningful but realistic goals identified related to health promotion
Health Promotion Plan describes strengths, major risk factors or
potential barriers, and the desired behavioural and health outcomes.
Behaviours, stage of change and interventions for change identified.
Information related to goal (Kozier textbook, scholarly articles and
informal (non-scholarly) sources e.g. Health Canada or other
recognized websites) utilized to support goals and interventions for
IMPLEMENT Time frame for implementation of goals identified and rationale for
timeframe given.
Supports (minimum of 2 supports) and ways of facilitating support
for change process identified.
EVALUATE Reflection on progress at the end of the identified period is thought
provoking. Stage of “The Transtheoretical Model: Stages of Health
Behaviour Change” reached is identified and correct terminology
Total 10
DEDUCTIONS: Marks will be deducted for APA errors as well as failure to include supporting evidence
(citing and referencing sources).The overall grade for this paper will reflect the “grading standards for a
scholarly paper” (Practical Nursing Program Handbook). Proof read carefully!