How does this relate to in-house maintenance of an in-house developed software application?

Describe horizontal and vertical IT portfolio management integration strategies. Then address foundation building, innovation, and automation as complementary strategies to horizontal and vertical integration. What are the future trends in IT process integration?
2.There have been many pricing strategies for commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software maintenance, but typically 15–30 percent of the original investment cost is a standard figure for annual maintenance of COTS software. •How does this relate to in-house maintenance of an in-house developed software application?
•Have you seen any figures on maintenance of open source software implementations?
•Does the expense of software maintenance continue to grow? What is the impact of software maintenance on the IS development budget?
3.What are the most current figures on failure rates of IT and software development projects? •Have the figures gone up or down in the past 10 years?
•Do the figures surprise you?
•To what do you attribute these failure rates?
Additional Requirements
•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th ed.) style and formatting.
•Number of resources: Use a minimum of four resources.