How do you make an unhealthy neighborhood healthy?

Extra Credit Assignment
After viewing the video, answer the following questions, using supporting statements from class discussions, text book, and articles.
How do you make an unhealthy neighborhood healthy?
What makes a neighborhood unhealthy to begin with?
What are the challenges involved in trying to improve neighborhood
How can a disinvested community be revitalized without triggering the
increases in rent and home prices that displace poorer residents and lead
to gentrification?
Please watch it.
Youth Empowerment Strategies (YES!) Anti-Violence Program in Richmond, California
Duration: (7:00)
User: n/a – Added: 7/3/08
YouTube URL:

Please, find some information about New York City. So, it can be related to the questions.
How to make an unhealthy neighborhood healthy or how to improve neighborhood, and disinvested community be revitalized without triggering the increases in rent and home prices.