How do these cases affect how the law is applied to juveniles?

Five U.S. Supreme Court Cases:

  1. Kent v. United States (1966)
  2. re Gault (1967)
  3. re Winship (1970)
  4. McKeiver v. Pennsylvania (1971)
  5. Breed v. Jones (1975)

These five cases show differences and similarities between the adult and juvenile justice systems.

Answer the Following Questions in a 500-750 word summary.

Why is it necessary to have different justice systems when looking at people who commit crimes? 

How do these cases affect how the law is applied to juveniles? 

Are there other differences between the adult and juvenile justice systems that would indicate juveniles have modified or more restricted rights when dealing with the juvenile justice system?

Support your claims with examples from scholarly resources and properly cite any references. Make sure that they are properly cited in APA form.