How did the researchers apply the principles of the case study design to address their research problem?

Burton, D., & Bartlett, S. (2005). Best practice case studies: Evolving research approaches. Practitioner Research for Teachers (pp. 48–59). London, UK: Paul Chapman Publishing/SAGE Publications.

Strohl, A., Schmertzing, L., & Schmertzing, R. (2014). Elementary teachers experiences and perceptions of departmentalized instruction: A case study [PDF document]. Journal of Case Studies in Education, 1–17.
• What was the problem/issue addressed in the study?
• What was the purpose of the study?
• What were the guiding research questions?
• What role did the researcher(s) assume in this study?
• How did the researchers apply the principles of the case study design to address their research problem? In what ways was it an appropriate qualitative design to effectively address their research problem of interest?
• Define the boundaries of the case (single or multiple case) and the unit of analysis.
• What data collection strategies did the researcher(s) use?
• Were the constructs of saturation or triangulation apparent? How?
• What ethical issues emerged in the research?
• What were the challenges/limitations of the study?
• What is your overall assessment of the study? Was the approach effective?
• What additions/modifications would you recommend?
• Create a table, to be revised in Weeks 6, 7, and 8, containing the following four columns: