How did the early European settlers utilize the land?

In La Florida where were the principle locations of Native American Villages?
2. How did the Tampa Bay, Sarasota Bay and Charlotte Bay Native American villages meet
their dietary needs?
3. How did the early European settlers utilize the land?
4. What was Floridas river used for during early settlement?
5. What were the St. Johns and St. Marys rivers principally used for after 1784?
6. Lightning strikes are common in North Florida but less so in Southern Florida. In La Florida where were the principle locations of Native American Villages?
2. How did the Tampa Bay, Sarasota Bay and Charlotte Bay Native American villages meet
their dietary needs?
3. How did the early European settlers utilize the land?
4. What was Floridas river used for during early settlement?
5. What were the St. Johns and St. Marys rivers principally used for after 1784?
6. Lightning strikes are common in North Florida but less so in Southern Florida. What
benefits were derived from lightning strikes during early native times?
7. Why did Native American and then “cracker” settlers set fires in areas around their
villages and settlements?
8. Rainfall is critical in the springtime for agriculture. Did the rainfall patterns during early
European settlement of Santa Elena in 1566 to Jamestown in 1696 place undue stress
on the Native Americans food supply? What was the response of the Native Americans?
benefits were derived from lightning strikes during early native times?
7. Why did Native American and then “cracker” settlers set fires in areas around their
villages and settlements?
8. Rainfall is critical in the springtime for agriculture. Did the rainfall patterns during early
European settlement of Santa Elena in 1566 to Jamestown in 1696 place undue stress
on the Native Americans food supply? What was the response of the Native Americans?