How could research conducted by professionals in this division be evident or helpful in your future career?

Review the basic goals of psychology: , as well as the many divisions of the American Psychological Association: Identify at least one division of the APA that relates to your future career goals or profession. What are the key areas of interest to this division? Briefly describe the goals of psychology using a topic area identified by this division (i.e. Psychologists within the Trauma Psychology division would be interested in describing trauma…developing interventions to decrease trauma effects, etc.). How could research conducted by professionals in this division be evident or helpful in your future career? Select one key psychological figure from this week’s reading that you had not heard of before. Discuss their contributions to psychology. How did that person advance the field of psychology? Provide an example of a real life application of their work (in other words, how can we use what this person discovered/studied to understand people better?). Read the “Applying Psychology – Internet Users: A Flawed Study” on page 32 of Chapter 1. Select one of the following “headlines” and address the questions below. Cell Phone Use While Driving Reduces Ability to React in Emergent Situations Anti-Smoking TV Ads from Tobacco Industry Don’t Help Eating Berries Might Help Preserve Your Memory Study Suggests the Color Red Can Improve Speed and Performance