How can it directly be connected to history and the time period in which we are studying?

Which book have you chosen for your nonfiction/biography book project? What is the topic/time period of your book? Why did you choose this book? What expectations do you have for the book and project?

unit 2

What role did religion play in the establishment and geographical settlement of the English colonies? Which religious group had the greatest effect on the political, social, and cultural development of the colonies? Support your answer with specific examples and analysis.

unit 3
After reviewing the events and outcome of the French and Indian War, as well as the relationship between England and its colonies, analyze their effect on the American War for Independence by answering the following questions. Make sure to support all of your answers with specific examples.

Did England have a right to tax the colonists?
Were the colonists justified in resisting British policies after the French and Indian War?
Was the American Revolution solely a revolt against taxes or was the break away from the mother country inevitable?
Would you have been part of the revolution? In what way?
unit 4

Evaluate the following statement: The Bill of Rights did not come from a desire to protect the liberties won in the American Revolution, but rather from a fear of the powers of the new federal government.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your answer with specific examples and analysis.
unit 4 dis 2
Who was more effective in establishing the American political system in the 1790s:

George Washington,
John Adams,
or James Madison?
Provide examples related to both domestic and foreign affairs to support your answer

unit 5

Andrew Jacksons Presidency is surrounded with controversy. From increased presidential authority and his battle with the national bank, to the push for a limited government and the Indian Removal Act, he demonstrates power and compassion for the “common man.”

Was the Age of Jackson truly an age of democracy?
Were his action and decisions better connected to that of an absolute monarch or one who cares for the people of his country?
unit 6

Evaluate the importance of the Second Great Awakening to the reforms of the 19th century.

Would the reform movements of this period (Ex: prison reform, education reform, Temperance Movement, abolition, and womens rights) have progressed as they did without the influence of the Second Great Awakening and religion?
How are the 19th century reforms related to each other?
diss 2

Answer the following questions based on your reading of the book,,cpid&custid=ns017336&site=eds-live&scope=site&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_Front_Cover”>Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave:

Provide 3 specific passages that struck you as significant—or interesting, profound, amusing, illuminating, disturbing, sad…?

What was memorable?
Why was it memorable?
How can it directly be connected to history and the time period in which we are studying?
nit 8

Compare the economic, political, and social differences between the North and South at the break out of the Civil War.

Based on your comparison, do you believe that the Civil War could have been prevented or was it inevitable?
Who do you think had the greatest odds of winning at the beginning of the war?
Why did the North win the war?