How can change management be used to drive long term goal of a hybrid commissioned and independent service?

Research question
The following specific research questions will be addressed to fulfil the above purpose:
1) How successful is DEPs cost saving methods? And to what extend are they to be limited in order to not have a detrimental effect on the service quality?
2) Is Prince2 project management methodology the only suitable approach to pathology services? If not, what are the proper project management approaches that should be adopted to ensure implementation?
3) How can change management be used to drive long term goal of a hybrid commissioned and independent service?
4) Can the key factors that led to successful project management implementation, including user acceptance and satisfaction levels, effective business strategies and practices be identified and evaluated in both the long and short terms?
5) Is it possible to review the current Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the DEP service, with a view to investigate factors deterring the department to strive for revenue growth? And is it possible to develop the most valid and informative measures to assist in settling these ‘fears of service disruptions that prevents DEP from pursuing these avenues?
The result of these enquiries will help the DEP team to assist the department to become a patient-centred, user service-driven business and a key player in the specialised pathology service industry.

DEP foundation is high-level expertise in services for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, as well as ophthalmic service-based research solutions. The diagnostic and therapeutic services are where materials, methods and expertise are used that allows morphological, chemical, immunological analysis obtained from human tissue and fluid. This commissioned specialised diagnostic service is provided to the NHS in England for free and is chargeable for private hospitals/laboratories (Bonshek, 2013). DEP currently has the largest NSOP eye pathology share in the UK. DEP service covers patients resident in England and is accessible regardless of age, sex, race, or gender.

It is estimated that someone suffers visual impairment every 5 seconds in the world (WHO, 2012), this equates to an approximately of 285 million visually impaired people worldwide. There are many factors that can contribute to blindness but the most common factors are biological (age) and social-economic factors; 90% of the worlds visually impaired live in low-income settings and 82% are aged 50 and above (Access Economics, 2009). The cruel reality is that 80% of all visual impairment can be prevented or cured (WHO, 2014). Currently, the market need is increasing due to aging population and the market is underserved (ESRI, 2007). At this point in time, NHS hospital, researcher and private referral clients come to DEP for scalable, temporary expertise with state-of-the art solutions. They understand that this kind of expertise would be very difficult and expensive to get from full-time, permanent employees as their needs are temporary. Clients requiring long term solution come to DEP for the same reasons and it would not only be expensive but also time consuming to train staff to the expert level required for this field. Commercial companies (Chemical, Biosystem, Biotechnology and pharma) are currently not served by DEP and this is lost opportunity.

Data (WHO, 2012) collected over the last 20 years shows that there has been significant progress in preventing and curing visual impairment in many countries, especially those resulting from infectious diseases. The civil societies effort to prevent and cure blinding disease and rehabilitate people who are irreversibly visually impaired or blind, include FightforSight, SightFirst and WHO.