How can an individual decrease their own gender bias and change their own gender expectations?

How does societal gender expectations and Masculinity/Femininity construct produce
situations that contribute to bias?
● How can an individual decrease their own gender bias and change their own gender
● What are Microagressions and what are their impacts?
● What is the difference between a microagressions, covert homophobia/transphobia and
overt homophobia/transphobia?
● How do microagressions affect gay, lesbian or bisexual people?
● How do microagressions affect transgender and gender nonconforming individuals?

Required Texts:
Thats so Gay! Microaggressions and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
Community; Kevin L. Nadal ISBN: 1-4338-1280-0 American Psychological Association
A Positive View of GLBTQ Embracing Identity and Cultivating Well-Being; Ellen D.B. Riggle
and Sharon S. Rostosky ISBN: 9781442212824 Rowman and