his client is a 15-year-old Caucasian female with a history of depression, and anxiety sometimes gets panic attacks, and she gets nervous a lot.  The usage of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) was applied

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This client is a 15-year-old Caucasian female with a history of depression, and anxiety sometimes gets panic attacks, and she gets nervous a lot.

The usage of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) was applied. The Kutcher generalized anxiety disorder scale for adolescents (K-GADAS-A) tool was given to

her, and she scores on discomfort anxiety distress and avoidance at a severe level (Teenmentalhealth.org,2020). She was also given the 3-minute depression

test related to life experiences, which are common questions of symptoms of people who are usually diagnosed with depression (Psycom.net,2020). She was

given homework to keep a journal of her anxiety or panic attacks. She has a hard time coping at home and school. Clients who need coping skills enhancement

and internal resources can receive the treatment of choice, which is CBT (Wheeler, 2014). The behavioral technique deep breathing exercises were shared with

her in order for her to reduce autonomic nervous system responses (Wheeler, 2014). The treatment of psychotherapy is collaborative in which the clinicians

and patients negotiate ways that can be helpful with an agreement that would most likely get to positive outcomes(Nagy, 2011). It. She is not improving

or is adequately progressing to what treatment goals were expected for her to achieve. She stated that she has had more panic attacks at home but does not

know why and has been getting anxious more than usual despite the deep breathing exercise, and had not been consistent with her homework, especially

when she gets anxious.


Nagy, T.F.(2011). Ethics in psychotherapy. In essential ethics for psychologist: A primer For understanding and

mastering core issues(pp.185-198). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.doi:101037/12345-010

Psycom.net. (2020, June 16). Free 3-minute depression test with scientific Quiz Results

https://www.psychom.netTeenmentalhealth.org. (2020).

Kutcher generalized social anxiety scale for adolescents (K-GASD-S).Wheeler, K. (Ed.).(2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced

practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2n ed.). Springer Publishing Company