Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HLPL-II)

a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that examines assessment tools that evaluate physical measures, and how applying Watson’s theory of human caring integrates the mind-body-spirit dimensions. This paper must demonstrate your knowledge of tools that expand the abilities of nurses to assess and evaluate clients in various stages of health, illness, stress, and life.

State the three assessment tools you selected.
Describe each tool and the population for which it might be useful.
State data about each tool, such as cost, length, the ease in using the tool, for what populations it is best designed, and the validity of information.
Describe how this tool enhances the assessment phase of the nursing process and affects the quality of health care delivered by the nurse.
Apply these tools to the vulnerable population from the Vulnerable Population and Self-Awareness Paper.
Cite at least four references.

Adult Life Stress Measurement

Beck Depression Inventory

Calgary Family Assessment Model

Coping Resources Inventory for Stress

Daily Hassles Scale

Derogatis Stress Profile

Dysfunctional Attitude Scale

Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale

Family Hardiness Index

Feetham Family Functioning Survey

Hassles and Uplifts Inventory

Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HLPL-II)

Health Self-Determination Index (HSDI)

Health Self-Determination Index for Children (HSDI-C)

Index of Core Spiritual Experiences

Mini-Mental State Exam

Perceived Stress Scale

Schoolager’s Coping Strategies Inventory

Social Support Questionnaire

Spiritual Involvement & Beliefs Scale

Spiritual Perspective Scale

Spiritual Well-Being Scale

State-Trait Anxiety Inventory

Stress Warning Signals Inventory

Ways of Coping Questionnaire

Well Being Picture Scale