Find an article in an American Nursing Journal that has been written in the last 5 years and is not a research study.


Writing Across the Curriculum
Instructions and Rubric
Nursing 220

Find an article in an American Nursing Journal that has been written in the last 5 years and is not a research study. The article selected must be related to the chosen exemplar from this semester (Sign up sheet is outside Office 402). The paper must:Identify two important findings ideas or theories in the article that can be used to help educate patients and/or families about this exemplar. (For example: medication administration additional resources better management of their condition).
Explain why the two ideas/findings were selected and how this content would be used for patient teaching.
How does the information provided in the article compare/contrast with information provided in lecture/required readings.
The paper must follow APA guidelines using a font size of 12 Times New Roman presence of a title page a reference page and must include in-text citations. The body of the paper must be
2 3 pages in length. You must include a copy of the article with the paper submission. Do not plagiarize.