Family structure – power, parental coalition, and closeness

That is the name of the book written above for the class (N3352), you can use the book and the class note to complete the assignment I will upload later. The assignment is for you to watch one of the movies listed in the assignment document and then analyze the movie using the rubric in the assignment.

Please read the assignment document properly and follow the instructions from the assignment and the rubric to complete the assignment. The assignment is a 4 content pages. Please attached genogram and ecomap on the last page. Thanks
Below the class note.

Class Notes: Week 1
Beavers Systems Model (1993)

The Beavers Model emphasizes family competence, which is defined as how well the family performs the necessary and nurturing tasks of organizing and managing itself. While some families may perform certain tasks better than others, it is unlikely that one family will show extremely competent interaction in one domain and dysfunctional levels in others. The Beavers Model, therefore, allows for a global rating of family competence. The model incorporates clinical observations of families in treatment and research settings over a 30-year period. It is
an observational rating scale of families in terms of their level of competence in six areas:

Family structure – power, parental coalition, and closeness

• Parents are clearly the leaders and care for each other.
• Family leadership is egalitarian and flows from the marital/parental dyad.
• Parents form a strong parental coalition and provide models of respect and affection/closeness for the children.
• Leadership is shared between parents, changing with the nature of the interaction.


• Every member has a concept of how the family functions as a group that is congruent with reality

Goal-directed negotiations

• Consistently demonstrate high degrees of capable & efficient negotiation skills in dealing with their problems.

• Encourage autonomy of their members.
• Expect members to take personal responsibilities for their actions.
• Members clearly express thoughts & feelings.
• Members voice responsibility for individual past, present, & future actions.
• Exhibits increasing trust, clear boundaries, & the ability to resolve or accept differences.