Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using professional agencies in ensuring promotional success.

Part a) Explain the role of advertising agencies in the development of a successful promotional campaign. Relate each of the roles to your chosen company and to a specific campaign.
Part b) Explain the reasons behind the choice of media in a successful promotional campaign.
Part C) – Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using professional agencies in ensuring promotional success. Your explanation must relate specifically to your chosen company and a specific promotional campaign whose success can be judged.
Part d) You now need to select an existing large-scale, national marketing campaign which has attracted your attention. You must evaluate it fully by considering the strengths and weaknesses of the campaign. Once again, you may use the trigger questions for D1 to help you to consider at least two key strengths and two key weaknesses of this campaign before arriving at a fully justified conclusion.

This provides evidence for [List criteria]
P3 – Explain the role of advertising agencies in the development of a successful promotional campaign.
P4 – Explain the reasons behind the choice of media in a successful promotional campaign.
M2 – Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using professional agencies in ensuring promotional success.
D2 – Evaluate an existing, national marketing campaign.