Explain how to quantify the gains that the internet has brought to consumers.

Read these articles, then scroll below to see the questions to respond to:1) Measuring consumer surplus online. If this link does not work, your instructor can provide a pdf. file with this article.http://www.economist.com/blogs/freeexchange/2013/03/technology-22) Net benefits. If this link does not work, your instructor can provide a pdf. file with this article.http://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-economics/21573091-how-quantify-gains-internet-has-brought-consumers-net-benefitsYou are expected to make your own contribution in a main topic as well as respond with value-added comments to at least two of your classmates. You are encouraged to respond to other students as well as to your instructor.Choose one of the following questions to answer:1) Explain the challenges in measuring consumer surplus of a free product like major online applications, such as Facebook and Google Search.2) Explain how to quantify the gains that the internet has brought to consumers.