Explain how lean manufacturing improves the economys efficacy in allocation

Efficiency, opportunity cost, and the logic of lean production at Boeing (Toyota, Big 3, Boeing)

Topic: Efficiency, opportunity cost, and the logic of lean production at Boeing (Toyota, Big 3, Boeing)

Research Question: Explain how lean manufacturing improves the economy’s efficacy in allocation
• The structure of the paper is Introduction and Objective, Literature Review, Analysis, and Conclusions.
• The introduction should be just 1-2 paragraphs long and must contain the objective of your paper. It should explain why the topic is relevant and what is the research question.
• The literature review section is a review of similar works done by other authors. Here, you must quote references and link those references in alphabetic order at the end of your paper.
• The economic analysis section is your answer to the research question you set out to investigate. You should be able to use key microeconomic terms (TR, MR, MC, TP etc) to analyze the data and all information you have in the argument.

• Databases have different sources or information, and you always have to combine them. Economists would say that databases are complements rather than substitutes, in other words, try more than one database.
• The conclusion should be useful to the reader and a policy maker dealing with such a topic. Be sure there is a strong connection between the introduction and the conclusion. You can also expand on the implications of the answer and predict something about the future.