Explain how a crisis situation affects community health.

Does not explain
how a crisis
situation affects
community health.
Explains how a crisis
situation affects
community health, but
the explanation is
missing critical
Explains how a crisis
situation affects
community health.
Explains how a crisis
situation affects
community health, in both
the short-term and the

Compare different
approaches for
responding to a
community crisis.
Does not describe
approaches for
responding to a
community crisis.
Describes different
approaches for
responding to a
community crisis.
Compares different
approaches for
responding to a
community crisis.
Compares and contrasts
different approaches for
responding to a
community crisis, and
identifies key lessons
learned that can be
applied to similar
Describe obstacles
to providing health
care services related
to a community
Does not identify
obstacles to
providing health
care services.
Identifies obstacles to
providing health care
services, but does not
show a relation to a
community crisis.
Describes obstacles
to providing health
care services related
to a community
Describes obstacles to
providing health care
services related to a
community crisis, and
identifies strategies for
overcoming obstacles.
Recommend an
nursing response
for providing health
care services related
to community
Does not
recommend a
nursing response
for providing health
care services
related to
community crises.
Recommends a
nursing response for
providing health care
services related to
community crises, but
does not provide
supporting evidence.
Recommends an
nursing response for
providing health care
services related to
community crises.
Recommends an
evidence-based nursing
response for providing
health care services
related to community
crises, and clearly shows
how the response will be
effective and efficient.
Explain current
practices for
providing health
care services related
to community
Does not identify
current practices for
providing health
care services
related to
community crises.
Identifies current
practices for providing
health care services
related to community
Explains current
practices for
providing health care
services related to
community crises.
Explains current
practices for providing
health care services
related to community
crises, and identifies key
areas for improvement.
Write content clearly
and logically with
correct use of
punctuation, and
Does not write
content clearly,
logically, or with
correct use of