Evaluate how the nurse educator uses assessment results to make decisions

Evaluate how the nurse educator uses assessment results to make decisions

Assessment Results

Nurse educators do an excellent job of planning for and gathering data to evaluate the program and evaluate student learning. Once the data is gathered, it is time to turn the data into usable information for quality improvements to the program and courses.

Research the importance of assessment and evaluation in nursing education.

Research assessment reporting best practices.

Develop a 10-slide presentation, with detailed speaker notes for each slide:

• Evaluate how the nursing process aligns to the development and improvement of nursing education programs.
• Evaluate how the nurse educator uses assessment results to make decisions about individual learner outcomes.
• Evaluate how to use assessment results for faculty development.
• Evaluate how assessment results are used to plan for programmatic improvements.
• Analyze how nursing theories are valuable in assessment and evaluation of nursing programs.
• Indicate at least one nursing theory and how the theory aligns with assessment and evaluation.
• Evaluate how assessment results align with reporting requirements of regulatory and accrediting agencies.

Develop a report template to use to share assessment results with the organization based on the type of program and the types of evaluation data you would use to assess learning outcomes and recommend programmatic quality improvements.