Evaluate how quality, safety, and competition within this healthcare sector impact patient care.c

Evaluate how quality, safety, and competition within this healthcare sector impact patient care.

Create a power point presentation. The power point would be a minimum of 10-12 sides.Describe of the sector’s historical development and current role in healthcare delivery. Explain how the political influence in the U.S. healthcare system impacts how this sector provides healthcare to specific communities. Evaluate how quality, safety, and competition within this healthcare sector impact patient care. Examine what major challenges exist for this sector for the system over the next decade from healthcare reform and other factors? Discuss a minimum of three challenges and offer your recommendations on how healthcare leaders and administrators can manage them. Provide a conclusion summary of your findings and of the project experience. Your presentation should meet the following requirements: Be 10 to 12 slides in length, not including the title or reference slides,