Evaluate alternative methods of financing a firm in diverse economic environments.

This assignment helps you develop the skills to master the following course competencies:
•Apply the theories, models, and practices of finance to the financial management of the firm.
•Assess the impact of ethical, regulatory, and tax considerations on financial policy decisions.
•Evaluate alternative methods of financing a firm in diverse economic environments.
•Integrate financial analyses into general business management planning and decision making.
•Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.

To review how all your activities help you achieve the competencies in the course, and ultimately, your overall program outcomes, revisit the MBA6016 Course Alignment Map.

Activity Instruction

Review the Financial Analysis course project description and requirements for the final project assignment to ensure that all necessary work is completed. Be sure that you complete the project requirements for Unit 6 and integrate your work with the work you completed in Units 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

You may refer to the following brief outline in preparing your final deliverable.
1.Title Page.
2.Overview of the Company.
3.Key Financial Highlights. 1.Annual Reports.
2.Competitive Standing.
3.Financial Analysis (Horizontal, Vertical, Ratio).

4.International Trade & Risks.
6.Conclusion & Recommendation (as an investment, acquisition, expansion or sale).
Percentage of Course Grade: 30%.
Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click on the linked resources for helpful writing information.
Financial Analysis Scoring Guide Grading Rubric






Analyze the impact of international trade on the company”s financial statements.
Does not describe the impact of international trade on a company’s financial statements. Describes the impact of international trade on a company’s financial statements. Analyzes the impact of international trade on a company’s financial statements. Evaluates the impact of international trade on a company’s financial statements.

Analyze specific risks of a company”s international trade.
Does not describe specific risks of a company’s international trade. Describes specific risks of a company’s international trade. Analyzes specific risks of a company’s international trade. Evaluates specific risks of a company’s international trade.

Analyze the current decisions made within a company that have regulatory and tax implications.
Does not describe the current decisions made within a company that have regulatory and tax implications. Describes the current decisions made within a company that have regulatory and tax implications. Analyzes the current decisions made within a company that have regulatory and tax implications. Evaluates the current decisions made within a company that have regulatory and tax implications, supporting evaluation with the theories, models, and practices of financial management..

Analyze the current corporate governance and ethical responsibilities in a company.
Does not describe the current corporate governance and ethical responsibilities in a company. Describes the current corporate governance and ethical responsibilities in a company. Analyzes the current corporate governance and ethical responsibilities in a company. Evaluates the current corporate governance and ethical responsibilities in a company, supporting evaluation with the theories, models, and practices of financial management.

Evaluate alternative methods of financing used in a company.
Does not analyze alternative methods of financing used in a company. Analyzes alternative methods of financing used in a company. Evaluates alternative methods of financing used in a company. Thoroughly evaluates alternative methods of financing used in a company, supporting evaluation with the theories, models, and practices of financial management.

Assess the overall financial health of a company based on a financial analysis.
Does not assess the overall financial health of a company based on a financial analysis. Partially assesses the overall financial health of a company based on a financial analysis. Assesses the overall financial health of a company based on a financial analysis, illustrating conclusions with data and supporting evidence. Thoroughly assesses the overall financial health of a company based on a financial analysis; illustrating conclusions thoroughly with data and supporting evidence.

Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.
Fails to communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions. Communicates in a manner that is inconsistently professional and inconsistent with expectations for members of the business professions. Communicates in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions; applies effective academic writing and communication skills; uses appropriate spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics; and applies APA style and formatting. Communicates in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions and consistently applies effective academic writing and communication skills; consistently uses appropriate spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics; and consistently applies APA style and formatting.
To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements. •Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (sixth edition) style and formatting.
•Number of resources: Minimum of 10 references, of which 3 should be academic journals and no more than 2 should be textbooks.
•Length of paper: 10–12 typed, double-spaced pages not including title page, references, tables, graphs, or charts.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.