Discuss the signs and symptoms & diagnostic tests needed to confirm the diagnosis

Max is a 10 year old boy who presents to the Emergency Department with a two day history of anorexia, loose stools x3, pain that started in umbilical area and settled in the right lower quadrant. He started feeling a bit better so mum encouraged clear fluids and gave him Paracetamol for fever to 38.4. He was admitted to the ward later the same day and was noted to have a fever of 39.6, diffuse abdominal pain and abdominal distension.
His blood tests taken on admission also reveal an elevated WBC. Physical Examination: T 39.6, P 110, RR 24, BP 95/65, oxygen saturation 99% in room air. Heart rate is regular and no murmurs are heard. He is lying in bed with his legs drawn up and is very anxious when you try to palpate his abdomen. His pain score using a numerical scale is 7/10.
Potential Diagnoses: Gastroenteritis, Viral illness, Appendicitis, UTI
The assignment should incorporate responses to the following:
• Discuss the childs presenting condition in detail. Include:
1. Identify your ‘working diagnosis –
2. what is the most likely diagnosis – provide a rationale for your choice o
3. Discuss the signs and symptoms & diagnostic tests needed to confirm the diagnosis
4. Pathophysiology
5. Aetiology
• Discuss the nursing management of the condition
• Identify two medications the child may be given and the rationale for administration to this child
• The delivery of family centred care during the childs hospital admission, including potential barriers
• What 4 things would you include in a child/parent education program?
• What is the impact of hospitalization on the child and how could this be reduced /managed?
The conclusion should include a summary of the key issues and identify your overall view regarding the issue discussed.
Marking guide
Assessment 1:
Marking guide
Assessment 1 – Case Study Marking Guide
: Value: 50%
Student Name:
1. Presenting condition is discussed in detail and includes all expected content /15
2. Nursing management is discussed in detail & is specific to the child & their condition /12
3. Two appropriate medications & the rationale for their administration are identified /6
4. The planning and delivery of family centred care is critically discussed, including identification of potential barriers /15
5. Four relevant components of an education program are identified & consideration given to the method of information delivery /10
6. The impact of childhood hospitalization is critically analysed – considering both positive & negative /7
7. Developmentally appropriate strategies to reduce the negative impacts of hospitalization are identified /5 Conclusion includes summary of key issues & overall view regarding issue /3
8. Written work is the required length & presented in the correct format. /2
9. Submission is written in a manner consistent with academic writing /2
10. Spelling and grammar are correct /3
11. Written communication is concise & avoids unnecessary repetition /2 C
12. ontent is appropriately objective and demonstrates a critical approach to the subject matter /2
13. Sources and quotes are acknowledged and referenced according to APA style /3
14. Sources used to support information are reputable and current /3