Discuss the key aspects of disaster triage and methods of triage.

Address whether or not there is enough evidence to establish one system of triage and support your position with appropriate sources (i.e., peer reviewed articles, expert opinion, etc)

Subject: Nursing

Topic: National Guidelines for Mass Casualty Triage

Paper details:

A proposed national guideline on mass casualty triage may decrease confusion and improve the consistency of disaster triage practices across locales and regions. But some experts caution that the lack of evidence-based standards means it may be too soon to start crafting national guidelines.

The proposed national triage guideline establishes a standardized set of priority categories and color designations for primary triage – including an “expectant” category for patients unlikely to survive–and formalizes processes for sorting patients and applying lifesaving interventions.

Discuss the key aspects of disaster triage and methods of triage. Address whether or not there is enough evidence to establish one system of triage and support your position with appropriate sources (i.e., peer reviewed articles, expert opinion, etc)