Discuss the criminal profiling techniques used in the movie Red Dragon.

Discuss the criminal profiling techniques used in the movie Red Dragon. Explain and show how the concepts were used in the movie.

Organized/Disorganized Crime Scenes

Inductive vs. deductive reasoning


Geoprofiling with the use of identifying an individual

Psyhopathy vs. Socialpathy – which tenendices does the charter display.


Grading Criteria for the research paper:


1.    All papers must be typed using 12 point font, double spaced, and only on one side of each page.


2.    The abstract must provide sufficient background of your papers focus and a preview of your major points.


3.  Content must be comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive.


4.  Major points must be clearly stated, supported by specific details, examples,   analysis, and be logically organized.


5.  Structure, grammar and punctuation must be correct.


6.  APA format should be followed.


7. The paper should be a minimum of 5 full pages in length, not counting the cover, abstract and source pages.


8. Students are required to cite five academic sources, (the textbook can count as one).