Discuss the attributes and characteristics that you believe a nurse practitioner should exhibit as a project mentor.

Discuss the attributes and characteristics that you believe a nurse practitioner should exhibit as a project mentor.

Mentoring is serious business; this is the way nurses are socialized into the profession. Throughout your nursing career, as you developed your nursing competencies, you were mentored. Mentors may be formal or informal. In other words, mentoring can be planned, or can just occur naturally. The success of a mentoring relationship is based on the balance between time and effort from both sides of the relationship. A mentoring relationship can be invaluable to the mentee, mentor, as well as the organization. Think about your mentors. How was the relationship cultivated? How was the relationship managed? Consider these relationships and then focus on how you see yourself in the role of mentor. Mentoring is a powerful way to pay it forward!

Complete the following:
Discuss the attributes and characteristics that you believe a nurse practitioner should exhibit as a project mentor.
Discuss the role of a nurse practitioner mentor (who prescribes low-threshold buprenorphine treatment to high-risk opioid dependent individuals) as a leader, communicator, decision-maker, systems thinker, and specialist within a community-based care coordination organization.