Discuss how the chosen provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics help guide the nurse in the ethical dilemma.

Discuss how the chosen provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics help guide the nurse in the ethical dilemma.

Description of the dilemma is clear.
•Statistical significance to Pediatric nursing is included.
•Pro and con positions of the dilemma are presented.•
A brief fictional case is used to illustrate the dilemma.

b.Ethical Principles ‐
•Brief description of ethical principles (may cite textbook).
•Applicable ethical principle(s) to support the pro position are used.•
Applicable ethical principle(s) to support the con position are used.•
Discussion of which, if any, ethical principles are in conflict with the opposing positions.•
Discussion supported by scholarly sources.

ANA Code of Ethics Provisions‐
Brief description of the ANA Code of Ethics.•
Appropriate three (3) provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics that apply to the ethical dilemma.•
Discussion of how the chosen provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics help guide the nurse in the ethical dilemma.

Outcomes and Plan ‐
Discuss possible outcomes of the pro position.•
Discuss possible outcomes of the con position.•
Present resources available in the community to resolve the dilemma (hotlines, shelters, agencies etc.). •
Explain how resources could help in resolving the dilemma.•
Present a plan for resolving the dilemma (for child, family and nurse