Developing a care plan for the elderly


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Developing a care plan for the elderly

A good care plan is usually developed in consultation with the elderly patient, their doctor and any family members the patient might have. In order to make an effective care plan, it is important to request access to the patient’s medical documents in order to understand their medical condition and needs. Older patients often suffer from multiple chronic conditions and one would need to understand each of them and how they are likely to progress over time. It is important that one speaks to the doctor, in addition to the medical documents and make a list of medications which need to be taken on a daily basis and how they should be administered.

Another key consideration is the nutritional and physical needs of the patient. The care plan should take note of whether the patient may need assistance for example in going to the washroom, grooming or even eating and whether the patient’s home is well equipped and if there needs to be any modifications made to ensure that the patient is comfortable (Potter, 2020). In the current scenario, the patient, his stay in a single-room occupancy in a hotel will need adjustments.

The patient would similarly need emotional and psychological support. This is essential for the patient and in this case, since the patient most likely lives alone, it would be important to try and enquire whether the patient has any relatives that may be reachable. If none is available, it would be important to consider being a companion to the patient.

Moreover, in taking care of patients, it is important for their quality of life and relationships to be maintained if not improved. Growing older often comes with feeling like a burden and insecure since they lose most of their independence. This might lead them to depression which may hamper their recovery. It is important to understand what one can do to continue to give the patient the normalcy and ability to grow their interests. One may consider inquiring whether the patient may be interested in taking various classes.

To ensure the efficiency of the care plan, it is important for a nurse to create a contingency plan which can be done through consulting with the doctor or any relatives the patient may have in order to develop a list of possible risk factors which might occur. This would enable one to work out a step by step response plan for each situation. In addition to the contingency, it is important to consider multiple care options for example since the patient has a chronic condition is really old, mobility may be an issue and it is important to consider engaging a home care assistant.

Culturally appropriate care for the old

A culturally sensitive care approach to elderly care helps to promote independence and strengthens health strategies among the elderly. The provision of culturally competent care can improve the quality and health outcomes and helps reduce the elimination of health disparities. In order to ensure cultural competence is incorporated in the health care system, health professionals need to be taught how to provide services in a culturally competent manner (Ceullar, 2015).

A number of approaches may be adopted, however, it is important to avoid stereotyping since this may lead to ignoring variations that may exist within a group. One of the tools that may be adopted by health care professionals in assessing the cultural competences is through examining the literacy levels. This will be able to identify any language barriers that may exist between the patient and care giver. It is also important to also find out the traditional beliefs of the patient in question including the origins of illnesses, health risks, culture-specific remedies and their stance on the use of health care services. The collection of such information from patients should be done on a case to case basis to ensure everyone is well accommodated.

Cultural assessment

Many healthcare professionals in these current times are concerned with providing culturally sensitive care. Information obtained from a cultural assessment will thus help the patient and nurse to formulate a mutually acceptable and culturally responsive treatment plan.

In conducting cultural assessment, it is important that the patient’s right to have their cultural beliefs, practices are understood and respected. The first step is to learn about the patient in terms of the patient’s unique culture. One may consider finding out what the patient think is the cause of the problem and what kind of treatment or results the patient hopes to get (Rittle, 2015). These questions will enable one to obtain valuable information needed for a teaching plan.

The next step is to determine how embedded the patient is to their culture for example whether there are any traditional dietary habits and whether the patient uses folk medicine. This helps the nurse to know where to start negotiations with the patient and their family to achieve health care goals (Rittle, 2015).


Ceullar, N. G. (2015). Proving Culturalluy Congurent   Health Care to Older Adults. Sage Journals.

Potter, P. A. (2020). Fundamentals of Nursing .   Elsevier Health Sciences.

Rittle, C. (2015). Multicultural Nursing: Providing Better   Employee Care. Sage Journals.