Develop s udent- Understandi-g of nursing leadership behaviours through critique

Develop s udent- Understandi-g of nursing leadership behaviours through critique

T’Iin- link on theTlJWsTitZ ~ Assignment must be typed using the
Font: Anal or Times New Roman &
Font Size: 12 point
Spacing: Double line spaced
All sources must be properly referenced in a reference list which adheres to the APA referencing style. c
600 words
Discourse Analysis
Aim of Assessment:
This assessment task provides students the opportunity to ana|yse and fl
leadership in clinical practice. The aim of the assessment is to develop s udent- Understandi-g of nursing leadership behaviours through critique. p student s ability to analyse and discuss
Learning Outcomes 1,2,3, and 5 are targeted in this assessment.
This assessment requires students to examine and identify leadership styles used within clinical practice In your assessment you will need to: y
• Watch a video which presents various leadership styles used within clinical practice
• Identify TWO leadership styles which have been presented in the video
• After watching the video, you will be required to write a letter of critique about TWO of the leadership styles that the registered nurses had used. When critiquing the TWO leadership styles, you must draw on literature to discuss their strengths and weaknesses.
The letter must also identify areas of improvement for the registered nurses in relation to the application of the TWO identified leadership styles.
Sgested ideas to help you prepare your letter;
Your letter must be written in a professional manner
Your letter must include constructive feedback
Your letter must draw on the literature to show that the feedback is evidence based
Your letter must not exceed the 600-word limit
You must include a final reference list after including a signature on your letter
Sub’m’ssion Details:
F and the reference list.
3ch st“dent must submit a word document via Turnitin which MUST include. The I

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